TOP 10 Best GK Politics General Knowledge Question

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TOP 10 Best GK Politics General Knowledge Question

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1. How many US President was Barack Obama?

  1. 42
  2. 43
  3. 44
  4. 45

Answer is 44

2. Who was Federal President from 1984 to 1994?

  1. Roman Duke
  2. Richard von Weizsäcker
  3. Johannes Rau
  4. Karl Carstens

Answer is Richard von Weizsäcker

3. Who became German Chancellor after Georg Kiesinger?

  1. Helmut Schmidt
  2. Ludwig Erhard
  3. Helmut Kohl
  4. Willy Brandt

Answer is Willy Brandt

4. What form of government does England have?

  1. Parliamentary monarchy
  2. Constitutional monarchy
  3. Absolute Monarchy
  4. Estates monarchy

Answer is Parliamentary monarchy

5. Which is the highest office in Germany?

  1. Federal President
  2. Chancellor
  3. President of the Bundestag
  4. Chief Justice at the Federal Constitutional Court

Answer is Federal President

6. To which country does Greenland belong politically?

  1. Norway
  2. USA
  3. Denmark
  4. Iceland

Answer is Denmark

7. Which party did Konrad Adenauer belong to?

  1. SPD
  2. CDU
  3. FDP
  4. Green

Answer is CDU

8. Which parties are involved in a Jamaica coalition?

  1. SPD, CDU, Greens
  2. SPD, FPD, Left
  3. CDU, FPD, Left
  4. CDU, Greens, FDP

Answer is CDU, Greens, FDP

9. With what majority can constitutional amendments be passed?

  1. Simple majority
  2. Absolute majority
  3. Two-thirds majority
  4. Unanimous vote

Answer is Two-thirds majority

10. Who is the Prime Minister in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania? (As of October 2020)

  1. Armin Laschet
  2. Manuela Schwesig
  3. Markus Söder
  4. Volker Bouffier

Answer is Manuela Schwesig

(1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8d, 9c, 10b)

Politics General Knowledge Question

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